Saturday, 19 November 2011

Topology and The Kransky Sisters... A Musical Encounter

Presented by Topology and the Brisbane Powerhouse

DATES: 30th November - 3rd December, 2011
WHERE: Brisbane Powerhouse, Fortitude Valley

Brace yourselves as The Kransky Sisters join our favourite contemporary chamber ensemble, Topology, in a twisted musical encounter.

Who would have imagined that when Topology’s bass player, Robert Davidson fell of his bicycle while cycling through Esk in rural Queensland, he would have landed in a ditch right outside The Kransky Sisters’ house!

A haul out with a crocheted blanket, and a lamington later, Robert found himself in a duet with tuba player Dawn Kransky!

Prepare yourself for a show to remember, as Topology and The Kransky Sisters all join together for a night of comical musical mayhem.

The two ensembles fight for centre stage, until they “accidentally” join together to perform a “spontaneously” selected mix of familiar tunes which have been given very special treatment.

Duration 90mins, no interval

Topology and The Kransky Sisters - A Musical Encounter